
About Me
My name is Caleb Ellis, and I'm a Web Developer currently living in London, UK. I'm a passionate and ambitious developer, who wants to help companies grow through the use of novel and innovative technologies, particularly using front-end tech like React and jQuery. While I love development and design, I'm also comfortable using back-end tech including NodeJS, Express and MongoDB. Outside of web development, I enjoy learning about robotics and machine learning, playing indie games, watching an irresponsible amount of Netflix, and consuming an even more irresponsible amount of good food and bev.
Languages, Frameworks & Libraries
NodeJS + Express
MongoDB + Mongoose
Full-Stack Apps
React Chat App
A real-time chat app built using React and
TODO: use MongoDB for user list + room list; use Passport for user login/authentication; fix sign-in/out message layout.
TODO: use MongoDB for user list + room list; use Passport for user login/authentication; fix sign-in/out message layout.
Google Maps+News Mashup
This website lets users search for news articles based on a given location, clustered by nearest city. A search bar allows users to search for a particular city name or postcode, sorted by relevance.
Uses the Google News and Google Maps APIs. Part of Harvard's CS50x curriculum.
Stock Trade Simulator
This website lets users buy and sell stocks using imaginary cash, where the financial data is derived from the Yahoo Finance API. Users can quote stock prices, track transaction history, and deposit cash.
Part of Harvard's CS50x curriculum.
Front-End Apps
Simon Game
A web version of the memory game Simon. Repeat a series of button presses, while the speed increases with each
step. Features a "Strict Mode" - no errors allowed!
TODO: fix mobile slowdown/layout.
TODO: fix mobile slowdown/layout.
Javascript Calculator
A simple web calculator made entirely in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript (jQuery). Features chained operations, and a history log.
Pomodoro Timer
A customisable pomodoro timer. Set a timer and a break to jumpstart your productivity!
TicTacToe (Minimax)
A web version of Tic Tac Toe that utilises the minimax algorithm. This means you can never win - only draw!
TODO: Implement minimax algorithm, lol.
TODO: Implement minimax algorithm, lol.
Weather App
A minimalist weather app that utilises the Open Weather API to draw forecasts. Features a Celsius to Fahrenheit converter and a 5-day forecast.
TODO: Improve code to reduce slowdown, otherwise; add a loading screen.
TODO: Improve code to reduce slowdown, otherwise; add a loading screen.
Back-End Scripts & APIs
URL Shortener API
Converts a URL into a 4-digit ID, similar to Due to the verbose nature of Heroku URLs, they're not much shorter. But... y'know, it's the thought that counts.
MNIST Digit Classifier
This program takes a portion of the MNIST handwritten digit database (5000 entries) to train a neural network digit classifier. Utilises backpropagation to determine the gradient of the cost function.
Part of Stanford's Machine Learning curriculum, where data visualisation was provided.